L’Esquerra de l’Eixample mejor barrio del mundo 2020!

El ranking ‘The 40 coolest neighbourhoods in the world’ de Time Out internacional sitúa Barcelona en el número 1 😜

¿L’Esquerra de l’Eixample el mejor barrio del mundo según Time Out internacional? ¿De verdad? ¡Si prácticamente no sale en las guías de viajes! ¿Cómo puede ser? Quizás muchos de vosotros, que amáis Barcelona y conocéis todas sus joyas arquitectónicas, sus calles más bonitas y tantos otros atractivos, os estaréis haciendo esta pregunta. En resumen: este año, más que ningún otro, no se ha querido premiar un vecindario de postal, sino un barrio que ha demostrado un fuerte sentimiento de comunidad en tiempos difíciles.

1. Esquerra de l’Eixample, Barcelona

¿Qué se ha valorado?

L’Esquerra de l’Eixample es un barrio –en realidad dos, l’Antiga y la Nova– con negocios locales y una vida que late al ritmo del día a día de los barceloneses. Un barrio con interiores de manzana que sirvieron de apoyo emocional cuando las circunstancias eran más adversas, que ha sabido crear redes de solidaridad entre vecinos y que se llenaba de vida mientras el centro se vaciaba de visitantes. Un barrio donde puedes encontrar casi de todo a 15 minutos de casa.

Algunos ejemplos que han convencido a los editores de Time Out internacional han sido las Hidrogel Sessions, una de las muchas iniciativas espontáneas que durante el confinamiento animaron las tardes de los vecinos con música, bailes y disfraces desde el balcón. Se creó también una Xarxa de Suport Mutu para ayudar a los más vulnerables y Ada Parellada, del conocido restaurante Semproniana, se puso a cocinar para los sanitarios.

Son solo algunas muestras de humanidad de un vecindario auténtico y alejado del turismo, que fue pionero en albergar negocios LGBTI+ –el Gayxample–, y que está lleno de rincones por descubrir, como el pulmón creativo de la Fàbrica Lehmann, el huerto urbano de l’Espai Germanetes, el Mercat del Ninot, el Parc Joan Miró, la Casa Golferichs, el edificio histórico de la Universitat de Barcelona y sus jardines, la calle de Enric Granados, el nuevo proyecto de La Model y tantos otros espacios que lo hacen mucho más rico y variado de lo que puede parecer a simple vista. 

Para leer el artículo completo haz click aquí : https://www.timeout.es/barcelona/es/noticias/lesquerra-de-leixample-es-el-mejor-barrio-del-mundo-del-2020-100620

Happy clients

Melek Birsel
Melek Birsel
We have been working with Ms. Güher Abacı and her company Weloba since 2018. They have been supporting us with all of our needs and answering all of our questions with fast solutions. They guided us towards the proper investments. We are happy and we look forward to follow their cooperation in the future.
Mine Taş
Mine Taş
Guher ve Eli sayesinde kızımız yeni hayatına son derece kolay bir geçiş sagladi. Iyiki yollarımız kesişti. Cok çok teşekkurler.
yaren çipli
yaren çipli
Super friendly and helpful company.
Baris Ural
Baris Ural
Honestly, without them I would not be able to have such an easy and quick transition to the city. They are super helpful and lovely people ! I would truly advise working with them without a doubt.
Boran Guney
Boran Guney
filiz akdede
filiz akdede
Competent experts support the customers with maximum professionality. They handle the complex topics delicately. They have a good and efficient network in Barcelona . Highly recommended.
Shirli Ender
Shirli Ender
The best and smoothest soft landing experience. When we first arrived, we had no clue where to start from. Weloba team, like a lifejacket, took care of all our needs for having a smooth relocation. Still today, after 6 years living in Barcelona, we are receiving services from Weloba team. If you’re considering a move in, definitely should work with Weloba, as the first step in is important that will make a great difference in your experience.
An honest, hardworking and friendly team!
Emir Alsancak
Emir Alsancak
Cok guzel destek ve danismanlik acisindan progesyonel bir ekip
Setenay Kıran
Setenay Kıran
Weloba is the best consultation company we have ever worked with. They did and still doing a great job during our relocation to Barcelona.

How we can help you?

    Happy clients

    Melek Birsel
    Melek Birsel
    We have been working with Ms. Güher Abacı and her company Weloba since 2018. They have been supporting us with all of our needs and answering all of our questions with fast solutions. They guided us towards the proper investments. We are happy and we look forward to follow their cooperation in the future.
    Mine Taş
    Mine Taş
    Guher ve Eli sayesinde kızımız yeni hayatına son derece kolay bir geçiş sagladi. Iyiki yollarımız kesişti. Cok çok teşekkurler.
    yaren çipli
    yaren çipli
    Super friendly and helpful company.
    Baris Ural
    Baris Ural
    Honestly, without them I would not be able to have such an easy and quick transition to the city. They are super helpful and lovely people ! I would truly advise working with them without a doubt.
    Boran Guney
    Boran Guney
    filiz akdede
    filiz akdede
    Competent experts support the customers with maximum professionality. They handle the complex topics delicately. They have a good and efficient network in Barcelona . Highly recommended.
    Shirli Ender
    Shirli Ender
    The best and smoothest soft landing experience. When we first arrived, we had no clue where to start from. Weloba team, like a lifejacket, took care of all our needs for having a smooth relocation. Still today, after 6 years living in Barcelona, we are receiving services from Weloba team. If you’re considering a move in, definitely should work with Weloba, as the first step in is important that will make a great difference in your experience.
    An honest, hardworking and friendly team!
    Emir Alsancak
    Emir Alsancak
    Cok guzel destek ve danismanlik acisindan progesyonel bir ekip
    Setenay Kıran
    Setenay Kıran
    Weloba is the best consultation company we have ever worked with. They did and still doing a great job during our relocation to Barcelona.

    How we can help you?